100 interesting facts of Germany.

1. One third of Germany's land is surrounded by forest and woodland.
2. The world's first printed book was printed in German.
3. Germany is the most populous country in the European Union with a population of 81 million approx. Population.
4. Germany is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
5. Berlin has the largest train station in all European countries.
6. Berlin is 9 times larger than Paris and more bridged than Venice is in Berlin.
7. The cities given below have become the capital of the country even once: Aachen, Regensburg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Nuremberg, Berlin, Weimar, Bonn and Berlin.
8. Germany has one of the most printed books in the world - where more than 94,000 books are published every year.
9. Mahli magazine of the world was launched in 1663 in Germany itself. It is one of the oldest books of the world.
10. Germany was the first country in the world to adopt DST (Daylight Saving Time or Summer Time). It came in 1916 in the midst of the First World War.
11. There is no speed limit on 65% of highways in Germany.
12. German is ranked third among the most spoken languages ​​in the world.
13. Most people in Europe speak German.
14. German is the official language of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.
15. The word Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft of Germany is the largest word to be published. The word is 79 letters long.
16. There are some 35 dialects in the German language.
17. College in Germany is free for all. (But also for those who are not German)
18. Germany has 300 different types of bread.
19. Germany has more than 1000 types of sauces.
20. In Bavaria, beer is officially considered a food.
21. There are 1500 different types of beer made in Germany.
22. Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places in Germany, but alcohol is allowed in public places.
23. German people consume the most beer in the world after Irish, it ranks second in the list of countries that consume the most beer.
24. Octoberfest, the world's largest beer festival, is held in Bavaria, Munich, Germany. Here the size of beer glass is not 500 ml but the whole is as much as 1 liter.
25. To get 1 beer, you have to show your thumb in Germany. If you showed your first finger it would mean you need 2 beers.

26. Germany has more football fan clubs than any other country in the world.
27. The tradition of Christmas tree was also started from Germany itself.
28. Germany has more than 400 zoos, which is the highest compared to any other country.
29. Chancellor Angela Merkel has a Barbie doll, which was made after her.
30. Toilet paper which is made in Germany has the same softness and stability as a paper towel.
31. Most taxis in Germany are Mercedes.
32. Denying anything done by civilions is considered a crime in 17 countries, including Germany and Austria.
33. There are more than 150 palaces present in Germany.
34. The shortest road in the world is in Reutlingen. It is only 31 cm (1 foot) wide.
35. In Germany, a prisoner who tries to escape from prison is not given any kind of punishment, because according to German law it is a natural behavior of a human being.
36. At the time of the Second World War Coca-Cola was not being imported into Germany, so Fanta was made in germany.
37. Nazi salute is a legal offense in Germany. Those doing this can be punished for 3 years.
38. Germany and Japan have the lowest birth rates compared to other countries in the world.
39. Smoking in public place is illegal here. It is legal to drink alcohol there.
40. Here any kind of discrimination against homosexual people is considered as a legal offense.
41. Germany has won Fifa World cup thrice times.
42. In 1990, the Marxist government of communist East Germany was collapsed and Germany was reunified in one Country.

43. The inhabitants of East Germany are often homologous, although the Swabians, Thuringians, Saxonians, Prussians, etc. have some mutually distinct characteristics. About 99% of the original Germans in Western are. Only minorities are Danes. Recently some people from Eastern Europe have immigrated.
44. German is the official language. Dialects used in different parts are under German.
45. Religious freedom is recognized by the constitution. Often Roman Catholics and Protestants reside.
46. Germany is a social market economy with a highly skilled labor force, a large share capital, a low level of corruption, and a high level of innovation.
47. It is also the world's third largest exporter of goods, and the largest national economy in Europe, the world's fourth nominal GDP and fifth largest by PPP.
48.  The services sector contributes about 71% of total GDP (including information technology), industry 28%, and agriculture 1%.
49. The unemployment rate published by Eurostat is equal to 4.7% in January 2015, which is the lowest rate among all 28 EU member states.
50. Germany also has the youngest unemployment rate of all EU member states, with 7.1%.
51. According to one survey Germany has one of the highest labor productivity levels in the world.
52.Germany is part of the European single market which represents more than 508 million consumers.
53. Many domestic commercial policies were determined by agreements between members of the European Union (EU) and by EU law and the German government.
54. Germany introduced the common European currency Euro in 2002.
55. Germany is a member of the Eurozone which represents around 338 million citizens.
56. German monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank, which is headquartered in Frankfurt, it is the financial center of continental Europe.
57. Being home to the modern car, the automotive industry in Germany is considered as one of the most competitive and innovative in the world, and is the fourth largest by production.
58. This countries top 10 exports are vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical appliances, pharmaceuticals, transport equipment, basic metals, food products, and rubber and plastics.
59. As a global leader in science and technology in Germany, it has been a great achievements in science and technology, it is an integral part of the economy of development efforts. The 107 German Prize winners have been awarded the Nobel Prize.
60. Germany produces the second largest number of graduates after science and engineering.

61. In the 20th century, German award winners had more prizes than those from any other country, especially science (physics, chemistry, and physiology and medicine) physicists from the 20th century include Hermann von Helmholtz, Joseph von Fraunhofer and Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, among others.
62. Famous scientist Albert Einstein introduced the theory of relativity for light and gravity in 1905 and 1915 respectively was born in germany.
63. Germany is one of the largest car producers of the world.
64. The Christmas tree tradition came from Germany.
65. The Wittelbachs ruled Bavaria for 738 years.
66. The speed limit has not been set for 65% of 10 German motor vehicles.
67. The world's first Green Party was founded in Germany in the year 1979–1980.
68. By the name 'Oktoberfest' is celebrated not in October but in the last two weeks of September in Germany.
69. The first Oktoberfest was actually celebrated in 1810 on the Ludwig ceremony, Prince of Bavaria.
70. The construction of Cologne Cathedral took 700 years and 40,000 people contributed for this construction.
71. The longest word published in the German language is Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesell.
72. The Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1989.
73. 11 Israeli players were held hostage and killed by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich in 1972 Olympics held in Germany.
74. When John Kennedy visited Berlin, he said "Ish bin ain Berliner" i.e I am a Berliner. Hence his popularity increased in Berlin.
75. In recycling, Germany is the third most efficient country in the world after Switzerland and Austria.
76. Germany has the largest church in the world, which is 530 feet tall.
77. The world's largest fresco is painted by Giovanni Tiapolo in a castle named Wurzburg Residence in Germany.
78. Denial of the "Holocaust" of the Christian concept, ie "Holocaust Daniel" is a crime in German Law.
79. Two of the world's largest cuckoo clock is in Germany. It is present in Schonach's Black Forest.
80. After Japan, Germany is the second largest exporter of cars in the world.
81. German is spoken by more than 100 million people worldwide.
82. Munich County, Germany has 60 beer gardens!
83. Germany has 400 zoos which is more than any other country in the world.
84. The 9 border countries of Germany are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Holland and Poland.

85. In 4th grade, German children are divided into Hauptschule, Realschule, or Gymnasium, which determines whether they have to study further in university or go straight to a job. The Gymnasium is considered the highest level from which a student goes to university. It is like selection in intermediate and polytechnic in their Indian education.
86. Cuckoo clock was invented in Germany in 17th century by a German Scholar.
87. The founder of German sportswear brand Adidas and Puma are the real brother.
88. DeutscherFußball-bund (German Football Association) was founded in 1900 in Leipzig which is one of the oldest football association.
89. Germany's most successful football club team is Bayern Munich.
90. First divided into small states, duchies and princely states, which together became the Prussian state in 1871. Later they known as Weimer Republic
91. In 1949, the country was divided into two parts, the Soviet-backed East Germany Group (Democratic Republic) and Democratic West Germany (Federated States of Germany).
92. The foundation of present-day Germany was laid on 3rd October 1990 when Eastern and Western provinces met.
93. Germany is the fifth largest country in Europe after Ukraine, France, Sweden and Spain.
94. German chancellor Angela Morkel was ranked as the second most powerful person in the world.
95. The world's oldest monastery brewery was established in Weltenburg abbey, Germany in 1040, near Regensburg city.
96. ​​Germany has more than 150 castles.
97. X rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen of Germany.
98. More than a quarter of Americans claim to be of German descent.
99. In Germany, more than 2.5 million people have wooden houses.
100.  There is a custom in Germany that the bride is "kidnapped" by friends before the wedding and is taken to a different place as a bride and the groom searches for the bride and buys drinks for her friends.

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