The Eiffel Tower which is also known as the Iron Lady. It's one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It evokes feelings of wonder and romance and everyone visiting Paris can see this 10,000 ton elegant and beautiful architectural achievement that dominates the Parisian skyline.
Top 6 Secrets of Eiffel Tower.
Top 6 Secrets of Eiffel Tower.

But not everyone knows that the Eiffel Tower is hiding some pretty amazing secrets ranging from secret rooms and hidden bunkers. It was not revealed to the public to the fact it was sold to Canada. In this article, we will take a look at the six secrets of the Eiffel Tower that most people don't know.

1. The Eiffel Tower's Marriage.
Eiffel Tower was at one point married to a young lady. yes, you heard that right the Eiffel Tower was married, and is now a
divorced. The person  the tower was married to, was a young lady called Erika. Erika has a rare condition called objectifilia. It is defined by people fallen in love with inanimate objects. So, in 2007 she held a ceremony and tied the knot with the tower and changed her name to Erika Eiffel.
However this relationship was frowned upon by the tower staff and they quickly banned her from ever visiting the tower. Thus ending the relationship and causing Erika heartbreak. Erika claims, although it was upsetting, she has since moved on and she went on to date the Berlin Wall and she is now in a relationship with a tower crane.

2. The Lightnings of Eiffel Tower.
Every night every hour the eiffel tower lights up for five minutes to create a dazzling and beautiful illumination show that can be seen for miles. It is one of the weird secrets of Eiffel Tower that the tower is fitted with twenty thousand bulbs five thousand on each side which you can imagine takes a lot of maintenance to keep changing those bulbs. But did you know, for those five minutes that the tower is illuminated is against the law to take a photo of it and share it to social media and you could be
fined for doing so. It would be especially annoying if you traveled halfway around the world to fulfil your dream of seeing Paris in the Eiffel Tower and then sharing your holiday snaps on Facebook only to be hit with a cease and desist letter. But that can very well happen because the French government considers the light show to be a work of art and therefore copyrighted. While there are currently no cases of people actually being fined they do request that you gain permission before taking snaps of the Eiffel Tower.

3. Popular for Marriage Proposals.
While illuminated like many famous landmarks, the Eiffel Tower is a popular place for a marriage proposal. Being 324 meters above the city of love makes it a perfect setting and it's estimated that nearly six thousand people a year propose on the top of this tower. Do you think that most of them are successful and all of them say yes and they live happily ever after. But, for one couple in the 1920s, French lady who one day in the 1920s agreed to meet her American lover on top of the Parisian landmark. The man was in love with the lady and he was planning on proposing at this Meetup. The woman however was planning on breaking up with him a little awkward. Now before she got the chance to break up the man got down on one knee and proposed. She was apparently shocked and
rejected his offer, so the man in a rage pushed her from the top of the tower to her death. Now that woman allegedly haunts the tower to this day. countless
tourists have reported here in her screams in a creepy loud progression that continues in a shrill endless loop and then their broccoli stops and no sight.

4. Designed For the Anniversary.
Eiffel Tower was designed as a centerpiece of the 1889 World Fair in Paris. It was commissioned to celebrate the hundred year anniversary of the French Revolution and to show France's modern mechanical progress on a world stage. It took 300 workers two years, two months and five days to complete. It was assembled using 18,000 and 38 pieces of iron and twenty point five million rivets. It was designed by French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. Mr. Gustave Eiffel holds the patent but it was his company that was responsible for the design. Mr. Eiffel was the man who made it all possible but the actual design of the Tower was the work of service employees Maurice and Emile. Even with the help of another French designer called Stephane silvestra, it's believed that Gustav was rather unenthusiastic about the plans when he first saw them. Eiffel wasn't responsible in the design of the Eiffel Tower he was however responsible for designing another very famous colossal landmark you may have heard of the Statue of Liberty in New York. When the Statue of Liberty's initial designer passed away in 1879 the franco-american Union hired Gustave Eiffel as his replacement. Gustav hailed the initial plans for the design, but quickly went about changing them to a more modern approach and he helped design the support one which useblightwork truss work of complex asymmetrical girders.  So that this would support the Lady Liberty better and allow the base to have a flexible suspension to withstand winds from New York's Harbor. Mr. Eiffel supervised the construction of the statue until its completion in 1885. so, the man that was responsible for the Eiffel Tower also helped to build the Statue of Liberty. 

5. Hidden Tunnels.
Most people only go up the Eiffel Tower but no one knows, there's an old secret military bunker underneath the South pillar that was used in World War one. It is said that bunker houses a hidden tunnel that runs all the way to a nearby military academy but apparently that part is still a closely guarded secret and no one outside of the army knows if that tunnel exists or not. Nowadays, the South pillar bunker isn't so much of a secret, it's been turned into a small Museum and tours can visit this. Some of the known connecting tunnels of the tower are air conditioning units and supplies for the restaurants to the top of the tower. Most tourists think that the champagne bar is one of the only things tucked at the top of the Eiffel Tower but that's not true. There's actually a one secret penthouse that used to belong to Gustave Eiffel himself, and only the highest members of society ever got an invite to this. The penthouse used to be under constant closed guard. Gustav refused many substantial offers to rent it and he was the envy of the high society of Paris just for being able to live in such an amazing place. you'd be hard pushed to find a better penthouse than one at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It is one of the best addresses in the world. Mean's you imagine how amazing it would be to stay here for just one night and wake up and have your breakfast while looking out over Paris.

6. Designed for Sale.
In France you probably end up thinking the Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic and the most popular paid monuments in the world. Today it is valued at a staggering four hundred billion dollars but the tower wasn't intended to be placed in France. It was initially meant to be going to Barcelona in Spain. It is said that Gustave Eiffel pitched the designs of the Spanish government, but they turned it down as they believed it to be an eyesore. So, Gustavo freely pitched it to France and the rest is history now. When the Iron Lady was finally completed most French people hated it they called it a monstrosity that ruined the skyline. No members of society said it looked like a metal asparagus and they wanted it torn down. Charles de Gaulle, the president of France at that time, made a secret deal to sell it to Canada. But the government stepped in and cancelled the deal so they have it. If things have gone just slightly different the Eiffel Tower may have gone in either Spain or Canada. 

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