Cats are in the list of most domesticated pets of the world. It is one of the cutest animal of the world. Here we are going to discuss the 100 interesting facts of Cats.
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100 interesting facts of Cats. |
1. Cat's ear has the potential to hear much slower or much louder sounds than human ears, such as those made by mice.
2. Cats can see in the darkness.
3. The average cat sleeps 16 to 18 hours per day.
4. Most Calico cats are almost females.
5. Cats beat their paws when they are happy.
6. The male cat is called "Tom" and the female cat is called "Queen".
7. Cats can get tapeworm by eating mice.
8. Cats can make more than 100 different sounds.
9. An adult cat has 30 adult teeth.
10. Cats can run at 30 mph.
11. A cat can jump about seven times its height.
12. A female cat keeps her babies for about 58 to 65 days after being born.
13. Cats cannot eat anything sweet.
14. A cat's sense of smell is about 14 times greater than that of a human.
15. A group of kittens is called kindle whereas the group of adult cats is called a clowder.
16. The cat has five claws on each leg of front claw, but only four claws on each rear claw whereas some cats have extra claws which are known as "polydactyl" cats.
17. Cats that fall or jump from the fifth floor have a 90 percent survival rate. It is the most interesting facts of Cats.
18. Cat's mustache is not just for show-offs - they help cats explore objects and navigate in the dark.
19. Cats cannot see in complete darkness, they can only see at low light levels.
20. like Humans greet each other with folded hands; Cats embrace and greet each other.
21. Cats have a sandpaper-like tongue that they use to clean and groom themselves.
22. Unlike humans, cats only sweat with their claws. This is the reason that their paws are moist during summer time!
23. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet taste but prefer other tastes. Scholars said that this is due to a mutation in a major taste receptor.
24. Cats have relatively less taste feature other than humans. Domestic and wild cats share a gene mutation that lacks the ability to taste sweetness.
25. Cats have dozens of moving mustaches on their bodies, especially on their faces. With this, they get information about the location and width of the objects both ways by touching the objects directly in the dark and sensing the air currents.
26. The average life expectancy for male indoor cats at birth is about 12 to 14 years. Although there have been reports of her reaching the age of 30, a cat named Creme Puff is the oldest known cat to die at the age of 38.
27. Cats usually sleep 12–16 hours a day, although some cats can sleep up to 20 hours in a 24-hour period. The term cat nap is used for short periods of time which means to sleep (lightly) like a cat for short periods of time.
28. Domestic cats use many features for communication, including purr, trilling, trembling, gurra hut / contraction, groaning, and many different forms. In contrast, wild cats are usually silent.
29. Tails and ears are particularly important social signal mechanisms in cats. E.g. Acting as a friendly salutation with a raised tail, and flattened ears reflect enmity.
30.It has been proven that high-pitched house cats can mimic the cry of a hungry human infant seeking food when hungry, making them especially difficult for humans to ignore.
31. Cats are known for their hygiene, they spend many hours licking themselves. If you've ever licked a cat, you've probably noticed that their tongue feels like sandpaper. Cats always use their tongue to brush their fur and keep it smooth.
32. Cats play more with toys when they are hungry.
33. There is no unique physical feature of the cat which is clearly responsible for this sound. However, felids of the Panthera genus (tiger, lion, jaguar and leopard) also produce a similar sound to this sound, but only when exhaling.
34. Kittens caress their mother to tell them everything is fine. Adult cats grunt when they feel safe and happy. Cats can make puffy sounds for long periods without stopping.
35. Cats have 4 different meanings for "meow". If you listen carefully, you can hear that each meow is different: 1) I am hungry! (2) I want to go out !, 3) Help! And 4.) I need attention!
36. When they see you, cats sometimes lie on their backs. It is because she want to tell you something.
37. Cats often stab you with their claws. Kittens get their mothers nursing. Cats babies push their mother with one claw and later another. This is called "kneading". Kneading helps to feed the kittens.
38. Do cats always stay on the ground at their feet? Not always, but they have a better balance than most animals. When cats stretch their back and front legs, they fall more slowly, as their bodies act as parachutes. The tail can also help balance a cat.
39. Cats are rubbed on your leg to attract you.
40. Cats sometimes run around the house like crazy. This is because energy is stored in them that needs to be released. They tend to hunt and run by instinct.
41. Catnip is a plant that cats like to smell. It is often stuffed into many cat toys and can also be sprinkled on their toy. Why does catnip make cats crazy.
42. They could understand many human words and commands. Many common tricks cats can learn can vapor a ball, ring the doorbell, or turn on a tap.
43. Are cats smart? In the animal kingdom, the IQ of a cat is higher than just monkeys and chimps. Cats think and adapt to changing circumstances and learn from observation, copying and trial and error. Interestingly, cats learn more quickly from their own mothers than exemplars set by unrelated cats, but mimic humans. They have been observed to exhibit greater problem solving abilities than dogs. Trials conducted by the Department of Animal Behavior at the University of Michigan and the American Museum of Natural History have concluded that while canine memory does not last more than 5 minutes, a cat's memory can last up to 16 hours, which is higher than that of a monkey.
44. Why doe the cats shake their tail from side to side? Rapid, forward and backward tails can mean anger. Wagging a tail between these descriptions may mean that he looks indecent.
49. Why do cats love boxes so much? When cats search, the one thing they are looking for may be a possible hiding place. The experience of jumping and sliding into a box resonates with their instinct to find protected places in the forest.
50. When a cat chases its prey, it puts its head on a level. Dogs and humans move their heads up and down.
51. Cats can make about 100 different sounds. Dogs can only make 10 sounds.
52. Every year, about four million cats are eaten in Asia.
53. There are more than almost 500 million domestic cats in the world, with almost 40 recognized breeds.
54. Almost 24 cat skins could make one coat.
55. One tomb of Egyptians belongs to early Egyptian art depicting cats of 4,000 years or more, which is the most interesting facts of Cats.
56. At the time of Spanish curiosity, Pope Innocent VIII condemned cats as evil and thousands of cats were burned. Unfortunately, the killing of cats led to an explosion in the rat population, which exacerbated the effects of the Black Death.
57. During the Middle Ages, cats were paired with gambling, and on St. John's Day, people across Europe filled them in sacks and threw cats into the fire. On holy days, people celebrated cats by bouncing them from church towers.
58. The first cat to go into space was a French cat named Felicette (a.k.a. "Astrocat"). In 1963, France sent the cat to outer space.
59. The group of words associated with the cat (catt, cath, chat, katze) stems from the Latin catus, meaning domestic cat, as opposed to fishes or wild cat.
60. Almost 40,000 people in the USA are bitten by cats annually.
61. Cats are the most popular pet in North America there are almost 73 million pet cats, compared to 63 million dogs. Almost 30% of households in North America own a cat.
62. One Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God to protect all the food stored on the ark being eaten by rats. In response, God sneezed the lion, and drove out a cat.
63. A cat's hearing is better than that of a dog. A cat can hear up to two octaves higher-sounding than a human.
64. A cat can run a short distance from a top speed of about 31 mph (49 km).
65. The cat was usurped with a wooden mask and the small mummy was placed in the family mausoleum or pet cemetery with a small mummy of mice in Egypt.
66. In 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found in Egyptian cemeteries.
67. Most cats give birth to children from one to nine at one time. The largest known kitten birth so far was 19 kittens, of which 15 survived. It is one of the interesting facts of Cats.
68. Trafficking a cat out of ancient Egypt was a death sentence. The Phoenician traders eventually succeeded in smuggling the Egyptian cats which they sold to wealthy people in Athens and other important cities.
69. The earliest ancestor of the modern cat lived about 30 million years ago. Scientists named it Proailurus, which means "first cat" in Greek.
70. The humans and cats brains have similar regions that are responsible for emotions, anger anxiety etc.
71. The Ancient Egyptians used to worshiped the goddess Bast, who had the body of a woman and the head of a cat.
72. In many parts of Europe and North America consider black cats as bad omen, in Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky.
73. The most popular adult cat is Persian cat, followed by Main Coon cat and Siamese cat.
74. The smallest asian cat is a Singaporean, which can weigh just 4 pounds (1.8 kg). The largest cats are the Maine Coon cats, which can weigh up to 25 pounds (11.3 kg) which is about twice the weight of an average cat.
75. Some cats survive after falling from a height of more than 65 feet (20 m), due to their righting reflex. The organs of the eye and balance tell the inner ear where it is in the air, so the cat can land on its feet. Tailless cats also have this ability.
76. Some Siamese cats appear cross-eyed because the veins on the left side of the brain mostly go to the right eye and the veins on the right side of the brain mostly go to the left eye.
77. A cat can take a jump upto five times its height making it an interesting facts of cats.
78. The Turkish van, however, is a cat that likes to swim. Located in Central Asia, its coat has a unique texture that makes it water resistant.
79. The Mau of Egypt is possibly the oldest breed of cat. Its breeding is so ancient that its name is the Egyptian word for "cat".
80. The first commercially domesticated clone was of a cat named Little Nicky. She valued it at $ 50,000, making her one of the most expensive cats ever.
81. A cat usually has about 12 mustaches on each side of its face.
82. Scientists believe that grass cats see red.
83. The youngest wildcat today is the Black-footed Cat. The female is less than 20 inches (50 cm) tall and can weigh up to 2.5 pounds (1.2 kg).
84. On average, cats spend 2/3 of their sleep each day. This means that a nine-year-old cat wakes up for only three years of its lifetime.
85. In the original Italian version of Cinderella, the merciful angel godmother had a cat figure.
86. The cat has short hair in its ear which helps keep the dirt out and the sound directly in the ear.
87. The cat is said to be psi-traveling to find its way home.
88. The beans are cut from a heap of cat dung and then cleaned and roasted. Kopi Luwak sells for about $ 500 for a bag of 450 grams (1 pound).
89. A cat's jaw cannot move sideways, so a cat cannot chew a large portion of food.
90. The female cats are in the right paws, while the male cats are more of the left paws. Interestingly, while 90% of humans are right-handed, the remaining 10% are left-handed.
91. A cat's back is extremely flexible because it has 53 loose-fitting vertebrae. Man has only 34.
92. All cats have claws, and all except the cheetah move them while resting.
93. Two members of the cat family are just opposite from all others, the clouded leopard and the cheetah are different.
94. Cheetah are leaping as they slowly stagger their prey and then jump on it.
95. In Japan, cats have the power to transform into super spirits when they die. This may be because according to Buddhism, the cat's body is a temporary resting place for very spiritual people.
96. One of the big reason of the kittens sleep is because a growth hormone is released only during sleep.
97. Cats have almost 130,000 hairs growth per square inch in her body.
98. The heaviest cat on record was Himmy from Queensland, Australia. He weighed around 47 pounds (21 kg). He died at the age of 10.
99. The oldest cat on record was Crème Puff from Austin, Texas, who lived from 1967 to August 6, 2005, three days after his 38th birthday.
100. Last of all, some Cats could see in darkness which one interesting facts of Cats.
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