Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries of the European nations. It is the only country in the world, some part of which falls in Europe and most of the parts in Asia. Hence it is also known as Eurasia. Let's see interesting facts related to Turkey:
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60 interesting facts of Turkey. |
1). Turkey is also known as Europe - Asia Bridge, because some parts of turkey falls in Europe and some parts in Asia.
2). Only a few parts of Turkey are in Europe, but most of the species of birds in Europe are found in Turkey. Turkey has the varieties of birds species which makes this country beautiful.
3). Turkey is the only Muslim majority country in the world, which is secular. Being secular muslim country means Turkey does not follow orthodox islamic rules like other muslim countries.
4). Turkey's capital city is Ankara but the largest city is Istanbul. Istanbul is one of the best tourist attraction centre of the world.
5). Turkey have the world's third most Facebook user. Whereas United States of America is number one and Britain is second. It is one of the interesting facts of Turkey.
6). Turkey's GDP is the 17th largest GDP in the world. Total GDP of turkey is 766 Billion dollar which is 1.4% of the worlds GDP.
7). Turkey's borders are connected to about 8 countries, Armenia, Azerbaizan, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Iraq and Syria.
8). Istanbul's central market is in the world's oldest and largest market. Here 64 lanes, 4000 shops and 25,000 people work. It was built by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.It gathers millions of tourists worldwide.
9). Turkey is also known as the sick man of Europe. This term was first used in 19th century for the Ottoman Empire because they were weak corrupt and decaying.
10). Mustafa Kamalpasha, is considered as the maker of modern Turkey, he had taken the responsibility of the treaty of lausanne.
11). In Turkey there is a ban on local traditional red cap. Bain Mustafa Kamal Pasha had imposed this ban, he thought that it was a sign of fanaticism.
12). Turkey is the sixth largest tourist destination in the world, almost 3.5 million tourists visit turkey every year.
13). The great historic city Troy is in Turkey. This city is famous for ancient myths, ancient battles etc. Many movies have been made in the name of this city till date.
14). There are more than 82,693 mosques in Turkey which makes it one of the most number of mosques countries in the world.
15). The first church made by humans in the world is in Turkey. It is called the Cave Church or Saint Peter's Church. Which was built between 1098 and 1268 AD.
16). On birth of children in Turkey, salt is wrapped on their whole body. This is called salting. It is believed that this can be kept away from every bad situation.
17). In Turkey, the bees are domesticated in large numbers. Turkey is the second largest producer of honey and second in bees keeping sector.
18). Turkey is the world's most dangerous country for journalists. Most journalists were sent to jail in Turkey.
19). Turkey was the first country to cultivate coffee in Europe, from Turkey only cultivation of coffee spread to whole Europe.
20). About 9,000 species of flowers are found in Turkey. Turkey has the varieties of flowers production like rose lily jasmine etc.
21). Turkey is home to 2 of 7 of the ancient world. It means almost 2 out of 7 ancient homes are present in Turkey. It is the most interesting facts of Turkey.
22). Tulip is believed to have originated in Holland. But this is wrong. Tulip has been founded in Turkey, from here it went to holland.
23). The world's first Underground mosque was also built in Turkey. It is situated in buyukcekmece district of Istanbul. It has won the first place in worlds architect fest competitions for religious places.
24). In Turkey's Grand Bazaar market in Istaanbul about 9 million people comes every year in this place for shopping purpose. It is one of the best marketplace of the world.
25). Turkey is the world's 37th biggest country by area. Its total area is 783.562 square kilometer area its population is of 83.43 millions, its density population is 104.5 people per square kilometer. Turkey also features 7200km of coastline.
26). There is an evidence of human settlement about 7,500 years ago in Turkey. Turkey has one of the worlds oldest civilisation.
27). Santa Claus aka St. Nicholas was born in Turkey. Santa Claus was born in the 3rd century in Turkey in Turkey. From Turkey Santa claus system has started.
28). Istanbul is the only city in the world, which is spread over two continents. Only 3 per cent of Turkey falls in Europe, yet it is counted as a European country. Whereas 97 percent of Turkey's land falls in the Asia-continent.
29). The list of UNESCO includes 13 World Heritage Sites of Turkey. Including , Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği, Historic Areas of Istanbuland Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia,
30). Turkey's "Rahat lokum" sweet is one of the world's most oldest sweets.
31). Turkey is the largest producer of walnuts in the world. Turkey exports about 80 percent of the world's walnuts.
32). Most of the Turks did not have the first surname (surname). But after the law passed in 1934, it became binding. Common names in Turkey include Izmaj, Kaya, Daimir etc.
33). Turkey's beer market is the world's 12th largest Beer Market of the world.
34). The railway tunnel built in Istanbul, Turkey's commercial capital, is the second oldest in the world after London Railway. The tunnel started working in 1975.
35). The wine in Turkey has been used since 4000 BC. It is the ancient facts of Turkey.
36). Turkish bird is called Hindi because Turks believes that these birds were born in India.
37). Turkey is the fourth number in tomato production in the world. Turk farmers produce 11 million metric tons of tomato each year.
38). There have been at least 25 horrific earthquake shocks since 1939 in Turkey. These earthquakes, whose intensity was at least 7.8. If there was any other place, it would have been destroyed so far.
39). Most Turks drink 10 or more cups of tea per day, which is the highest rate of tea drinking per capita. 96 percent of the country's population drinks tea daily. Turkey is on 5 big producers of the world in tea production. In Turkey, tea is called “chai” like India.
40). In Turkey, the word which is used for the lion, was shown in the book series of Narnia.
41. Turkish iztuzu beach is famous for the turtles castle, it has around 300 nests dug every year.
42. Turkish half population is under 30 years in which 23.4% of the population falls under 14 years, whereas 8.5% peoples are more than 65 years.
43. Old wrestling known as grease wrestling is the national sport of turkey. Wrestlers put olive oil in their body before taking on their opponent.
44. Almost 49% of the Turkey’s area is dedicated to the agriculture, turkish do not rely on the imported crops from other countries.
45. It is believed that agriculture was started in Turkey in 11000 B.C.
46. Turkey is the largest producer of hazelnuts which is rich in vitamin E, Magnesium and healthy fats.
47. Turkey has the 7th largest social media network users of the world despite being an small area with a population of 83 millions only.
48. Tulip is the national flower of Turkey, whereas grey wolf is the country’s national animal. Its highest mountain is aarat and the largest lake is Lake van.
49.Turkey’s 99% population is Muslims, with national language “Turkish” and the national day is 29th october.
50. Turkeys doner kebab is the most famous food of Europe.
51. In Turkey, proof of human settlement was found almost 7,500 years ago. The Hittite Empire was founded in the year 1900-1300 BC. In the battle of Troy before 1250, Yavon (Greek) destroyed the city of Troy and established control over the surrounding areas.
52. Balkans began to arrive in coastal areas from 1200 BC. In the sixth century BC, Shah Sahirs of Persia acceded control over Anatolia. After about 200 years, in 334 BC, Alexander defeated the Persians and took possession of it. Later, Alexander had reached India via Afghanistan. Anatolia became part of the Roman Empire in the year 130 BC.
53. 50 years after Christ, Saint Paul preached Christianity and in 313, the Roman Empire adopted Christianity. Within a few years, the separation of the Constantine Empire occurred and Constantinople was made its capital.
54. The Byzantine Empire was at its peak in the sixth century, but within 100 years, the Muslim Arabs got their right over it. The fall of the Byzantine empire started in 12th century after being trapped in religion wars. The emergence of the Ottoman Empire in 1288 and the fall of Castinatunia in 1453. This incident played an important role in bringing Renaissance to Europe. It is one of the mysterious facts of Turkey.
55. In Turkey The youth Turk movement started in 1908 AD.
56. After the First World War, the gruesome abusive pact with Turkey was known as the Treaty of sebr. The treaty of the Sebr occurred on 10 August 1920 AD. Mustafa Kamalpasha refused to accept the Treaty of Sebr.
57. The Unity and Progress Committee in Turkey was formed in 1889 AD. At that time, Kamalpasha came under the power of unity and Progress Committee.
58. The Legal restrictions on cap and burqah in Turkey were imposed on 25 November 1925.
59. In Turkey there is a presence of 10000 plants species and 80000 animals species which makes Turkey in the list of 35 biodiversity hotspots of the world.
60. Turkey has 40 national parks in which goreme national park is most famous park, it was added to the UNESCO for the worlds heritage sites.
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