Our solar system has always attracted people. That is why our ancestors in ancient times discovered many secrets of space. Then slowly humans were able to move into space with the help of science, and then many other secrets of space were revealed. The outer space is called a void left by the earth-like cosmic body. It is not completely empty, but it is the most void region where the density of cells is very low. Is. It contains plasma of hydrogen and helium, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields and neutrino. In theory, this includes 'dark matter' and 'dark energy'.
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100 interesting facts of solar system. |
The word solar has been used many times in various myths such as Vedic literature - from which the words and meanings of space originate. However, in Vedic literature, space means the space between the earth and the lamp - Dulok, which means the world of stars and the sun, the glowing, gambling material - is called space. In the Veda the word was used in conjunction with Diav and Earth. By this definition, the solar system may also include Earth's atmosphere. But climate is often not included in the meaning. In fact, the space is so large that we cannot imagine. So, here are 100 interesting facts of solar system.
1. Mercury and Venus are two planets in our solar system, and they have no satellite.
2. If a star passes through several black holes, it will shatter.
3. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Most people think Mercury is the hottest planet because it is close to the Sun, but it is not. Venus has a wide variety of gases in the atmosphere that cause the 'greenhouse effect', so Venus is hotter than mercury.
4. Scientists estimate that our solar system is 4.6 billion years old, which is 5000 million years old. It is one of the interesting facts of Solar system.
5. In Saturn's satellites, Annelladus reflects 90% of the light from the Sun.
6. Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in our solar system, is on Mars.
7. Olympus Mons is 25 km high, 3 times higher than Mount Everest.
8. The distance traveled by light in 1 year is equal to 9.5 trillion kilometers.
9. The width of the Milky Way is about 100000 light years.
10. The sun is 300,000 times larger than the earth.
11. Tire markers and tire markers left by astronauts will never be visible from the moon because there is no air to do so.
12. Due to the low gravity of Mars, the weight of 100 kg on Earth is 38 kg on Mars.
13. Scientists believe that Jupiter has 67 satellites, named 53.
14. Jupiter is the only planet with the highest number of satellites.
15. 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds a day on Mars.
16. NASA's Crater Inspection and Sensing Satellite announces they have found evidence of water on the moon.
17. The sun rotates for 25-35 days.
18. Earth is an unnamed planet of any god.
19. The force of gravity sometimes breaks the comets.
20. The earth's tides cause the sun and moon's own gravity.
100 interesting facts of solar system.
21. Pluto is smaller than the moon, even smaller in diameter than the United States.
22. Based on mathematical calculations, it is possible that there are white holes in our solar system but no white holes are known yet.
23. Our Moon is about 4.5 billion years old.
24. Venus is the largest volcano in our solar system.
25. The blue aura of the planet Arun is due to methane gas found in its atmosphere.
26. The four planets in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
27. Uranus has 27 satellites, 5 of which are large satellites, and 22 are smaller satellites. Titania is the largest of all these satellites.
28. Neptune is the equivalent of 21 years of Earth in one night due to its unique inclination.
29. Neptune's planet Satellite Titan is slowly moving closer to it.
30. Titan, Neptune's satellite, is the only major satellite that rotates in the opposite direction of all planets.
31. Uranus takes 164.79 years to orbit the Sun.
32. One day in Pluto, Earth equals 6 days 9 hours.
33. Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system.
34. Mars is red because of the presence of iron oxide in its atmosphere.
35. Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus are called inner planets because they are close to the Sun.
36. If you drive a car at a speed of 60 km per hour, it will take 271 years and 221 days to reach Mars.
37. UK launches first satellite named Black Arrow 38
39. The largest labyrinth connecting the largest artillery in the solar system is called the Mars Night Maze.
40. Neil Armstrong, the first person to reach the moon, landed the first left foot on the moon on July 20, 1969.
41. Mars has the largest and most violent dust particles in the entire solar system.
42. If we go to any part of the earth we see only a part of the moon.
43. 200 billion stars appear in the Milky Way.
44. Venus receives precipitation of sulfuric acid and metallic snowfall.
45. In the northern sky, we see two galaxies - Andromeda and Tringulum.
46. Our nearest galaxy is Andromeda, which is 2.537 light years away.
47. The distance between the sun and the earth is denoted by the celestial unit or by.
100 interesting facts of Solar system.
48. The second person to walk on the moon is Buzz Aldrin. His mother's name was Moon.
49. Mariner 10 is the only aircraft on Mercury's planet.
50. Two people's throats cannot be heard due to lack of air in space.
51. Coca Cola is the first drink to go into space.
52. Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts can grow up to 2 inches tall.
53. She was the first woman to fly space valentines from America.
54. If the rings around Saturn are 1 meter long they are 10000 times thinner than the blade.
55. Sputnik was the first artificial satellite to be sent into space.
56. Galaxy GRB 090423 A galaxy far from Earth.
57. You cannot cry in space because your tears will never fall.
58. According to astronauts, the place is like steak, hot metal and welding foam.
59. Space Suite is worth 12 million.
60. Like rum in the center of the Milky Way.
61. Our Moon is moving away from Earth at the rate of 4 centimeters per year.
62. Pluto is named after the Roman goddess.
63. If the space station is fully formed, 90% of the population will be visible from Earth.
64. Astronauts cannot get rid of space because we cannot separate fluid and gas due to zero gravity in our stomachs.
65. The color of the sun in the sun is blue, so you can swim in the water so that the density of the sun is very low.
66. The mass of the moon is one-eighth of the earth's mass.
67. NASA means the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
68. No life has been found on the planet Mercury, meaning there is no air or atmosphere.
69. In China, the Milky Way is known as the Silver River.
70. Mercury equals 58 days of Earth.
71. One year on the planet Mercury equals 88 days of Earth.
72. Because there is no gravity in space, the pen usually does not work there.
73. On average, the light from the moon to the Earth takes about 1.3 seconds.
74. The nucleus in the middle of the dhomkate is called.
75. In 2006, Pluto was dropped from the planetary category.
76. On April 23, 1967, Soviet cosmonaut Vollier Komarov died in his second spaceflight after the spacecraft crashed. Komarov became the first person in the world to die in space travel.
77. At the International Space Station, astronauts watch 15 sunrises and 15 sunsets on a regular basis.
78. The International Space Station is the most expensive object ever built at US $ 150 billion.
79. Astronauts must work hard to sleep. They should close their eyes and lie down in the bunker so they can swim and move around.
100 interesting facts of solar system.
80. At the International Space Station, urine passes through a special water treatment plant, converting it into drinking water.
81. The "astronauts" came from America. Astronauts in Russia are called "cosmonauts".
82. The 'Great Wall of China' does not appear in space as air pollution is very high in China.
83. The first manned object in space was a German V2 rocket.
84. Whistle in space is impossible.
85. On 10 August 2015, NASA astronauts first ate food grown in space.
86. NASA has discovered 3,200 planets, and 99% of people have confirmed it.
87. On 13 November 1957, a dog named Leica made a round to Earth in the Sputnik 2 satellite. But he could never come back to life on earth.
88. On February 20, 1962, America succeeded in sending the first man into space. John Glenn, the first American in space, later died in 1996 at the age of 77, becoming the oldest astronaut in space exploration.
89. If you go into space with no safety equipment, your body will explode because there is no air pressure.
90. Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts cannot sprinkle salt or chilli on their food. They also take food as liquid, as dry food floats in the air and enters the astronaut's eye with a bump around it.
91. In 1963, the US threw a hydrogen bomb into space, 100 times more powerful than the bomb that was thrown on Hiroshima.
92. In 1977, a 72-second signal was received from the deep space, but it is not yet known who sent the signal.
93. More than 140 trillion water reserves float in space across all the Earth's oceans.
94. NASA is also preparing to make 3D pizzas printed for astronauts in space.
95. Cockroaches move faster in space than on Earth.
96. The size of the International Space Station is like a football field.
97. If two pieces of metal touch each other in space, they will intersect with each other permanently.
98. There is no way to move your throat from one place to another. That is why even when you stand in front of someone you shout loudly but he cannot hear your voice.
99. NASA's mission is to expand "space exploration, scientific exploration and aeronautical modification" from the phrase "since February 2006" into the future.
100. Indian Space Research Organization (abbreviation for ISRO) (English: Indian Space Research Organization, ISRO) National Space Institute of India, headquartered in Bangalore.
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